论文:共发表论文30余篇(其中第一作者论文25篇,SCI/EI收录23篇、被引600余次)。代表作如下: [17] 张明军,李晨希,邹江林,程波,张。谟栏,胡永乐,陈根余.AZ31B镁合金功率调制环形光斑光纤激光焊接试验研究.机械工程学报,2024(已录用) [18] Kangwei Li, Mingjun Zhang, Jian Zhang, Cong Mao, Longzhou Dai, Yun Zhang, Yan Zhang, Zhuming Bi, Kun Tang, Yongle Hu. Preparation and performance of grinding wheel with orderly arranged abrasive particles based on laser processing technology. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 127(9-10): 4519-4532. [19] Mingjun Zhang, Jie Wu, Cong Mao, Bo Cheng, Hossain MD Shakhawat, Heqing Li, Kaiming Wang, Jian Zhang, Yongle Hu, Zhuming Bi. Impact of power modulation on weld appearance and mechanical properties during laser welding of AZ31B magnesium alloy. Optics & Laser Technology, 2022, 156: 108490. [20] Mingjun Zhang, Xiong Li, Cong Mao, Yongle Hu, Kangwei Li, Jian Zhang, Kun Tang, Zhuming Bi, Microstructure and properties at bonds of diamond grains and NiCr filler alloy by fiber laser brazing, Diamond and Related Materials, 2022, 125: 108969. [21] Mingjun Zhang, Kangwei Li, Yubin Huang, Yongle Hu, Cong Mao, Jian Zhang, Yonggang Tong, Zhuming Bi. Impact of ultrasonic vibration on microstructure and mechanical properties of diamond in laser brazing with Ni–Cr filler alloy. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(3): 4096-4104. [22] 张明军,吴乐峰,毛聪, 张。蹩,胡永乐,李河清. AZ31B镁合金可调环形光纤激光焊接试验研究. 中国激光,2022,49(22): 2202002. [23] 张明军,李雄,李河清,李晨希,张健,程波,王开明,毛聪,胡永乐. 纳秒脉冲激光清洗对AZ31B镁合金激光焊接质量的影响. 汽车工程, 2022, 44(11): 1786-1796. [24] Mingjun Zhang, Yingzhe Zhang, Cong Mao, Yongle Hu, Genyu Chen, Zhuming Bi. Experiments on formation mechanism of root humping in high-power laser autogenous welding of thick plates with stainless steels. Optics & Laser Technology, 2019, 111: 11-19. [25] Mingjun Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Kun Tang, Cong Mao, Yongle Hu, Genyu Chen, Analysis of mechanisms of underfill in full penetration laser welding of thick stainless steel with a 10 kW fiber laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 2018, 98: 97-105. [26] Mingjun Zhang, Genyu Chen, Yu Zhou, Shichun Li, Direct observation of keyhole characteristics in deep penetration laser welding with a 10 kW fiber laser. Optics Express, 2013, 21: 19997-20004. [27] Mingjun Zhang, Genyu Chen, Yu Zhou, Shichun Li, Hui Deng, Observation of spatter formation mechanisms in high-power fiber laser welding of thick plate. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 280: 868-875. [28] Mingjun Zhang, Genyu Chen, Yu Zhou, Shenghui Liao, Optimization of deep penetration laser welding of thick stainless steel with a 10 kW fiber laser. Materials & Design, 2014, 53: 568-576. |