1.车辆排放与节能重庆市重点实验室开放基金, 面向节能减排的智能环境友好型车辆驾驶行为决策研究, 2020.03-2020.11, 主持. 2.中南大学研究生自主探索创新项目, 针对交叉口车-动力两轮车事故的主动避撞系统控制策略研究, 2020.01-2021.12, 主持. 3.大众汽车(中国)投资有限公司, 中国出行安全深度研究-交通事故调研, 2017-2019, 参与. 4.国家重点研发计划, 牵引/制动时延和车辆负载变化下的功能保持技术研究, 2018.07-2021.06, 参与. 5.博大app游戏平台省研究生科研创新项目, 基于EEG信号的汽车驾驶员负面情绪识别及风险评估研究, 2021.1-2022.12, 参与. 6.车辆排放与节能重庆市重点实验室开放基金, 多场景下智能车辆能耗模型构建及优化控制策略研究, 2022.03-2023.09, 参与. |
1. Xinghua Wang, Yong Peng*, Tuo Xu, Qian Xu, Xianhui Wu, Guoliang Xiang, Shengen Yi*, Honggang Wang. Autonomous driving testing scenario generation based on in-depth vehicle-to-powered two-wheeler crash data in China. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2022, 176, 106812. 2. Xinghua Wang, Yong Peng*, Weifeng Yu, Quan Yuan, Honggang Wang, Meng Zheng, Hao Yu. Uncertain inverse traffic accident reconstruction by combining the modified arbitrary orthogonal polynomial expansion and novel optimization technique. Forensic Science International, 2022, 333, 111213. 3. Xinghua Wang, Yong Peng, Shengen Yi*, Honggang Wang, Weifeng Yu. Risky behaviors, psychological failures and kinematics in vehicle-to-powered two-wheeler accidents: Results from in-depth Chinese crash data. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2021, 156, 106150. 4. Yong Peng, Weifeng Yu, Xinghua Wang*, Qian Xu, Honggang Wang, Wenguang Wu. AEB effectiveness research methods based on reconstruction results of truth vehicle-to-TW accidents in China. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2021, 235(7): 2020-2039. 5. Xinghua Wang, Yong Peng*, Weifeng Yu, Pengpeng Xie, Honghao Zhang*, Lin Hu, Quan Yuan. The analyses of vehicle-to-pedestrian accidents by integrating rigid-body simulation and robust optimization techniques. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2020, 17(7), 1950026. 6. Yong Peng*, Xinghua Wang, Shuangling Peng, Helai Huang*, Guangdong Tian*, Hongfei Jia. Investigation on the injuries of drivers and copilots in rear-end crashes between trucks based on real world accident data in China. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 86: 1251-1258. |
1. 彭勇, 王兴华, 曲双等, 一种智轨车辆的转向辅助系统及其控制方法, 发明专利, ZL202010871042.8, 授权. 2. 曲双, 彭勇, 王兴华等, 一种基于智轨列车横向加速度的转向辅助系统及控制方法, 发明专利, ZL202010870006.X, 授权. 3. 王红钢, 彭勇, 王兴华等, 基于情绪识别的智能车辆行驶控制方法、系统及存储介质, 发明专利, ZL202210541021.9, 授权. 4. 彭勇, 向国梁, 王红钢, 王兴华等, 基于驾驶员情绪指数的车辆ADAS控制方法及系统, 发明专利, ZL202111478522.9, 授权. 5. 彭勇, 邓涵文, 向国梁, 王兴华等, 基于多源信息融合的疲劳驾驶检测方法、系统及存储介质, 发明专利, ZL202210862524.6, 授权. 6. 彭勇, 王兴华等, 道路交通深度事故数据库软件, 软件著作权, 2018SR1075652, 授权. |