
Our School Went to Chongqing to Participate in the 3rd “CISA:SPORTS & CULTURE TOUR FOR OVERSEA STUDENTS IN CHINA” (Southwest Zone)

2018-07-09 14:31:37 2018-07-09

From July 3rd to 6th, the 3rd “CISA: Sports & Culture Tour For Oversea Students in China” (Southwest Zone) was held at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications. A total of 16 representative teams from 6 provinces and municipalities participated. Our school showed its talents at Hunan provincial sea election competitions, and as a result a representative team consisted of 9 international students and 2 Chinese students went to Chongqing to participate in the final. There were two associate professors participated in the competition as coach and team leader.

In the three competitions of sports art show, three-to-three basketball and orienteering, our students had delivered outstanding performance, and finally obtained the 8th place group award in orienteering on the last day. During this “Moving in China” southwest zone competition, there was specially arranged the exhibition of 40th anniversary for international students work reform and opening up achievement. Our school had made active preparation, displaying the outstanding achievements that we had made in international students education.

As one of the most important national international student activities, the International College selected participants within a short time, and established coaching group with the College of Sports. In preparation, Chinese and international students helped and learned from one another, and besides, the teachers and students joined hands in overcoming one difficulty after another in unity and finally strove to win honors for the School.

