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博大app游戏平台:The Ordinance on the Disciplinary Violations of Students of CSUST


Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1The ordinance is formulated on the basis ofEducation Law of the People’s Republic of China,Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China , Regulations on the Management of Students of Higher Learning Institutes, Codes of Conduct for Students of Higher Learning Institutes, The Outline for the Construction of Civic MoralityandPublic Security Administration Law of the People’s Republic of Chinaas well as otherrelevant national laws and regulations and the specific conditions of CSUST to maintain the teaching and living order, create excellent learning and living environment and cultivate talents for our country.

Chapter II Categories of Sanctions for CSUST Students’ Violation of Disciplines

Article 2 The following sanctions shall be given to the student should he or she violate the disciplines depending on the nature and seriousness of the violation as well as his or her attitude toward the violation and his or her repentance.

(1) Warning

(2) Serious warning

(3) Recording a demerit

(4) Academic probation

(5) Expulsion from school

For the students whose violations are minor, the department where the students study should circulate a notice of criticism and urge him or her to make a rectification. Under special circumstances the university should circulate a notice of criticism.

Chapter III Violation of disciplines and sanctions

Article3 Students who violate any of the following political disciplines shall be given sanctions according to the nature of his or her violation. Students whose violations cause bad impacts and are relatively minor shall be given the sanction of warning or serious warning depending on the recognition attitude of the students. Students whose violations cause the worse impacts and serious consequences shall be given the sanction of recording a demerit and academic probation depending on the repentance of the students. Students whose violations cause worst impacts and the most serious consequences shall be given the sanction of expulsion from school:

(1) Violating the Constitution, against the Four Basic Principles, undermining stability and unity, disturbing social order.

(2) Organizing, leading , participating illegal social groups or organizations and engaging in illegal publications as well as other illegal activities.

(3) ViolatingDemonstration Law of the People’s Republic of Chinaand other relevant laws and regulations to organize and participate in the assembly, demonstrations without approval of authorities: Organizing, planning, inciting or participating in activities including but not limited to students’ strike, blocking traffic , assaulting party and governmental departments and other crucial sectors, which disturb social order or undermine the management order of the university.

(4) Intentionally listening to and disseminating the enemy radio stations or the hostile propaganda of the radio stations beyond the boundary or keeping secret contacts with the reactionary organizations outside the country.

(5) Setting up illegal ration stations.

(6) Establishing illegal websites.

(7)Collecting, preserving and disseminating reactionary materials for propaganda including but not limited to reactionary books, audio-visual products.

(8) Disclosing State secrets

(9)Writing, producing, posting, delivering and distributing the leaflets, posters, slogans with illegal contents or spreading reactionary remarks through internet, mobile phones or other ways to cause confusion and chaos.

(10) Words and deeds which violate the political disciplines.

Article 4 Any student who violates the sate law and regulations to such a degree as to constitute a crime or violatesPublic Security Administration Law of the People’s Republic of Chinashall be transferred to the judicial department or police station for investigation. The following sanctions will be given to the students who have been punished by the judicial department or police station

(1) The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given to the students who are sentenced to surveillance, criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment, death penalty or forced to be reeducated in reform camp.

(2) The sanction of serious warning shall be given to the students who are given the sanction of warning by the relevant department in light withPublic Security Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China

(3) The sanction higher than serious warning shall be given to the student who is sentenced to administrative detention for seven days or less than seven days. The sanction of recording a demerit shall be given to the students who are sentenced to administrative detention for eight days or more than eight days.

Article 5 The sanction of serious warning shall be given to the students who participate in illegal pyramid sales, the cult, feudal superstitious activities or conduct religious activities on campus and if the circumstances are not serious. The sanctions of recording a demerit or academic probation shall be given to the students who participate in the above-mentioned activities if the circumstances are serious. The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given to the students who participate in the above-mentioned activities if the circumstances are particularly serious. If the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime the students involved shall be transferred to the judicial department for investigation.

Article 6 The sanction higher than warning shall be given to the students who violate the regulations about management on mass organizations and organize and take part in groups without approvals of authorities and conduct activities or conduct illegal activities and publish illegal publications in the name of the legal mass organization and other acts that seriously violate the management regulations on mass organizations and cause bad consequences.

Article 7 The following sanctions shall be given to the students who make use of computer technology and other technologies to violate the regulation according to the seriousness of circumstances.

(1) The sanctions higher than warning shall be given to the students who intentionally log in the illegal websites and do not heed the dissuasion.

(2) The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who intentionally release or disseminate reactionary, fraudulent information and information at the opposite of social morality in the computer equipments or networks or let others conduct the above-mentioned acts at the websites or web pages of their own.

(3) The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who disclose and disseminate state secrets, commercial secrets and the privacy of other people according the seriousness of the circumstances.

(4) The sanctions of warning, serious warning and recording a demerit shall be given to the students who use the account number of others without consent and thus cause malicious arrears. In addition, the students who conduct the above-mentioned acts shall also be ordered to make the compensation for the losses. If the circumstances are serious, the sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students involved.

(5) The sanctions of warning, serious warning or recording a demerit shall be given to the students who read e-mails of others without consent as to cause mental damages and hurl invectives or conduct personal attack by using humiliating languages. The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who conduct the above-mentioned acts and cause serious consequences.

(6) The students who use computers and other technologies to steal property, services, or valuable information and data and use the schools’ and others’ computers, network password or other equipments as to cause the losses of public and private property shall be punished according to the laws and regulations concerning stealing property.

(7) The students who use computers and other technologies to defraud property, services, or valuable information and data shall be punished according to the laws and regulations concerning defrauding property.

(8) The sanctions of serious warning or recording a demerit shall be given to the students who intentionally alter, delete, destroy or attack the web sites of school or others, databases or other computer files without causing serious consequences. If the circumstances are serious enough to cause serious consequences, the sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who conduct the above-mentioned activities.

(9) The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who intentionally produce, spread and use computer viruses according to the nature of circumstances and losses.

Article 8 The following sanctions shall be given to the students who organize, participate in gambling or provide gambling tools and locations for others by means of mahjong, poker, billiard, electronic games :

(1) The sanction of recording a demerit shall be given to the students who for the first time participate in gambling or provide gambling locations or tools for others.

(2) The sanction higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who for the second time participate in gambling or provide gambling locations or tools for others.

(3) The sanction higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who organize gambling.

Article 9 The following sanctions shall be given to the students who produce, reproduce, spread pornographic materials and illegal publications or audio-visual products and play or watch pornographic videos, CDs, visit pornographic web sites or read pornographic books, watch pornographic paintings:

(1)The sanctions higher than warning shall be given to the students who in public places (including students’ dormitories) read pornographic books, watch pornographic paintings, videos and visit pornographic web sites as to cause bad consequences according to the seriousness of the circumstances.

(2)The sanction of academic probation shall be given to the students who produce, reproduce, spread and sell pornographic materials and illegal publications or audio-visual products. The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given if the circumstances are serious enough.

Article 10 The following sanctions shall be given to the students who commit theft, fraud, robbery, extortion, illegal possession, occupation of the property of the State, collective unit or other people according to the seriousness of circumstances in addition to recovery of illegally gained property and compensation of the losses and being punished according to the relevant laws and regulations of the State

(1) The sanctions of warning and serious warning shall be given to the students who commit a theft with value of 200 yuan or less. The sanctions of recording a demerit or academic probation shall be given to the students who commit a theft with value of 200 yuan to 1000yuan. The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who commit a theft with value of more than 1000 yuan.

(2) The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who commit a theft and are confirmed by the police stations.

(3) The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who steal the official seals, confidential documents, files and other items depending on the seriousness of the circumstances

(4) The sanctions of warning, serious warning, recording a demerit or academic probation shall be given to the students who do not return the found objects, illegally possesses lost property and others’ property with value of less than 1000 yuan. The sanction higher than academic probation shall be given to the students do not return the found objects, illegally possesses lost property and others’ property with value of more than 1000 yuan.

(5) The sanctions given to the students who are on sentry for the perpetrators, provide information, tools for committing crimes or cover, harbor, dispose stolen goods, etc. shall be in the reference of the sanctions given to the perpetrators.

(6) The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given to the repeated offenders.

(7) The sanctions given for the fraud, robbery, extortion, theft of the public and private property shall be in the reference of sanctions given for the theft and heavier than that.

Article 11 The following sanctions shall be given to the students who create disturbances, plan or participate in fights depending on the seriousness of circumstances and fault-admitting attitude.

(1) creating disturbances (undermining order, dissuasion, using provocative language, touching people through various means)

① The sanctions of warning or serious warning shall be given to the students who do not actually hit anyone, but cause serious fighting consequences. The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who cause the happening of gang war (gang war refers to the fight where one side contains two persons or more).

② The sanctions given for creating disturbances and actual hitting of anyone shall be in the reference of the sanctions given for the fighting and heavier than that.

(2) planning fight and abetting others in fight

① The sanction of serious warning shall be given to the students who plan fight and abet others in fight which is abortive.

② The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who do not actually beat anyone but plan fight and abet others in fight with serious circumstances.

③ The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who plan fight and abet others in fight and actually beat others,

(3) beating

① The sanctions of warning, serious warning or recording a demerit shall be given to the students who beat others without causing injury of others. The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who beat others with causing injury of others.

② The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who beat others and cause slight injury of others by the forensic identification.

③ The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who beat others and cause minor or severe injury of others by the forensic identification.

④ The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who beat others in the gang war. The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given if the circumstances are serious enough.

⑤ The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who beat others again after the termination of the gang war to retaliate against others with serious consequences.

⑥ The sanctions of recording a demerit or academic probation shall be given to the students who are partial to and side with one party of the gang war in the name of mediating the parties involved to stir up troubles and make the situation deteriorate.

⑦ The aggravated sanctions shall be given to the students who initially beat others, break into others’ apartments to beat other and beat innocent people.

(4) Perjury

① The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who intentionally commit perjury for others and create difficulties for the investigation.

② The aggravated sanctions until expulsion from school shall be given to the students who commit perjury or intentionally cover up facts while involved in the fight at the same time.

③ The higher level of sanction combined with the original sanctions shall be given to the students who ask others to commit perjury.

(5) Providing others with weapons to fight:

① The sanction of recording a demerit shall be given if consequences are not caused.

② The sanction of academic probation shall be given if consequences are caused.

③ The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given if serious consequences are caused.

(6) Holding weapons

① The sanctions of serious warning, recording a demerit or academic probation shall be given to the students who show the weapons in bickering or fighting.

② The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who hold weapons and cause slight injury of others.

③ The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who hold weapons and cause minor or severe injury of others.

(7) Any student who creates disturbances, participating in fighting and cause losses and injury of others shall be given sanctions in light with relevant civil laws and regulations.

Article 12 Students who damage public and private property must make compensation according to the cost and be punished in light with relevant regulations of State. The following sanctions shall be given to the students who intentionally damage public and private property.

(1) The sanction of warning shall be given to the students who scrawl on the public or private property.

(2) The sanctions of warning and serious warning shall be given to the students who damage public and private property with value of less than 200yuan. The sanctions of recording a demerit or academic probation shall be given to the students who damage public and private property with value from 200 yuan to 1000 yuan. The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who damage public and private property with value over 1000 yuan.

(3) The sanction of serious warning shall be given to the students who misappropriate or damage fire-fighting equipment.

(4) The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who destroy cultural relics and ancient wood according to the circumstances and consequences.

(5) The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who damage public and private property and cause serious consequences no matter how much the value of the damaged property is.

Article 13 The following sanctions shall be given to the students who violate regulations about students’ dormitories management and disturb management order of students’ dormitories.

(1) The sanction of warning shall be given to the students who accommodate others without permission. The sanction higher than recording a demerit shall be given to students whose accommodation leads to serious consequences according to the circumstances. The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to students who accommodate gusts of opposite gender or stay overnight at the dormitory of opposite gender.

(2) The sanctions higher than warning shall be given to the students who disturb the dormitories management order so as to affect other students’ living and learning and do not make rectification after being educated and criticized.

(3) The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who burn items inside the dormitories depending on the seriousness of circumstances.

(4) The sanctions shall be given to the students who rent the apartment or sleep out of their own dormitories without permission according to the seriousness of circumstances. The sanction of warning shall be given to the students who sleep out of their own dormitories for one night to five nights within one semester. The sanctions of serious warning or recording a demerit shall be given to the students who sleep out of their own dormitories for six nights to eleven nights within one semester. The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who sleep out of their own dormitories for over twelve nights within one semester or live in the rented apartment on or out of campus instead of living in their own dormitories without permission.

(5) The sanctions of warning or higher sanctions shall be given to the students who violate other regulations about dormitory management and do not make rectification after being educated and criticized.

The students should compensate the economic losses due to their violation of regulations.

Article 14 The sanctions given to students who violate the disciplines of examination are in the reference ofProvisions of examination disciplinary offenses of CSUST students

Article 15 The sanctions higher than warning shall be given to the students who violate the management regulations on work-study programs and management methods on national student loan.

Article 16 The following acts of students shall be regarded as voluntary withdrawal from school. Not arriving at school and not registering two weeks after the beginning date of the semester without asking for leave or leaving school without asking for leave after registration and not participating in the teaching and learning activities for two consecutive weeks.

Article 17 The following sanctions shall be given to the students who play truant.

(1) The sanction of warning shall be given to the students who are absent from school for 11 to 25 class hours or 5 days accumulatively.

(2) The sanction of serious warning shall be given to the students who are absent from school for 26 to 40 classes or 6 to 8 days accumulatively.

(3) The sanction of recording a demerit shall be given to the students who are absent for 41 to 55 class hours or 9 to 11 days accumulatively;

(4) The sanction of probation shall be given to the students who are absent for 56 to 70 class hours or 12 to 14 days accumulatively.

(5) The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given to the students who are absent for 71 class hours and more or more than 15 days accumulatively.

Absence for one day during the teaching period can be accounted by the class hours. During the period of internship, absence for one day equals to 5 class hours.

Article 18 The corresponding sanctions shall be given to the students who conduct the following acts.

(1) The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who intentionally destroy library books, replace new library books with old books and use others’ library card to borrow books without consent of others according to the seriousness of circumstances.

(2) The corresponding sanctions shall be given to the students who forge, alter, falsely claim, and fraudulently use any certificate, document or files. The students who conduct the above-mentioned activities shall be held responsible forallthe consequences arising therefrom.

① The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students forge any kind of security.

② The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who forge students’ card, library card and other cards and certificates.

③ The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who forge, falsely claim and fraudulently use any kind of certificate and cause bad consequences.

④ The sanctions higher than warning shall be given to the students who lend any kind certificate or document to others and cause bad consequences according to the seriousness of the circumstances.

⑤ The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who violate school’s regulation on free medical service and practice fraud (such as modifying prescriptions, opening false expense accounts and making false certificates etc.)

(3) The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who conduct any one of the following acts to achieve personal goals according to the seriousness of circumstances.

① Carving official seals without authorization and forging official seals.

② Altering, forging transcript.

③ Forging signatures of others.

④ Forging all kinds of awards certificates, certificates of honor, graduation certificates, degree certificates, certificates of proficiency testing and other relevant certificates and documents.

(4) The sanctions of warning or serious warning shall be given to the students who defame, insult, abuse, slander or intimidate others without causing bad consequences. The sanction higher than recording a demerit shall be given if the bad consequences are caused.

(5) The student alcoholics shall be educated and criticized. The sanctions of warning or serious warning shall be given to the repeated offenders. The higher level of sanction shall be given to the students who create disturbances after getting drunk. The alcoholics shall pay their treatment for drunkenness in the hospital.

(6) The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to students who willfully make troubles with the working staff because of academic assessment, transfer of major, employment, prizes awarding and excellence appraisal etc according to the seriousness of circumstances.

(7) The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who refuse or hinder the state officials or school management officials to perform their official duties according to the laws or school regulations depending on the seriousness of circumstances.

(8) The sanctions higher than warning shall be given to the students who conceal, destroy or open without consent the letters and mails of others in addition to the compensation for economic losses depending on the seriousness of circumstances.

(9) The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who infringe upon the interests of the school and others in the name of the school and others, causing bad effects and economic losses for the school and others in addition to the compensation for economic losses depending on the seriousness of circumstances.

(10)The sanctions of warning or serious warning shall be given to the students who set up a stall on campus to do business or sell goods in various forms without authorization in addition to the confiscation of goods.

(11)The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who start and spread rumors, causing effects. The students who start and spread rumors shall be held responsible for the consequences arising therefrom.

(12)The sanctions of serious warning or recording a demerit shall be given to the students who intentionally create disturbances in public places inside and outside school according to the seriousness of circumstances. The sanction of academic probation shall be given to the students who conduct the above-mentioned activities with causing bad consequences. The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given to the students who conduct the above-mentioned activities with causing losses for the school or the society.

(13)The sanctions of serious warning shall be given to the students who throw fire, wine bottles ,bricks ,scrapes of paper and other items from the window or down the corridor if the circumstances are minor. The sanctions recording a demerit or academic probation shall be given if the circumstances are relatively serious. The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given if the circumstances are serious. If the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, the offender shall be transferred to the judicial departments and investigated for criminal responsibility according to the law.

(14)Any student who yells, cries aloud , beats drums and gongs, plays musical instruments loudly, sings loudly or plays the recorder, radio with high volume in class time, self-studying time or bedtime shall be given the sanctions of warning, serious warning or recording a demerit according to the seriousness of circumstances. The sanctions of warning, serious warning or recording a demerit shall also be given to the students who cause bad effects such as the crowds’ watching and disturbances by a certain act conducted by the students according to the seriousness of circumstances.

(15)The sanctions of warning ,serious warning or recording a demerit shall be given to the students who intentionally tear up the notice, announcement and notification put up by school or local governmental or party organs or state organs within valid time period according to the seriousness of circumstances.

(16)The sanctions of warning or serious warning shall be given to the students who do not abide by the smoking-ban regulation of the school, do not listen to the persuasion and repeatedly violate the regulation.

(17)The sanctions of warning or serious warning shall be given to the students who violate the regulations on electricity utilization in addition to confiscation of the electric appliances and charging management fee. The sanction higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who violate the regulations on electricity utilization or management regulations on fire-fighting and cause fire and other accidents without serious consequences in addition to making compensation for the losses. The sanction higher than expulsion from school shall be given if serious consequences are caused and the offender shall be transferred to the police station for investigation in addition to making compensations for economic losses.

(18)The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given to the students who molest, humiliate, seriously harass others or do other rogue activates according to the seriousness of circumstances.

(19)The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who provide or accept pornographic services.

(20)The sanction of serious warning shall be given to the students who carry, possess controlled knives (daggers, triangle blades, bayonets etc.). The sanction of recording a demerit shall be given to the students who refuse to surrender the controlled knives. The sanction higher than academic probation shall be given if the consequences are caused.

(21)The sanctions higher than serious warning shall be given to the students who buy or resell stolen goods or goods of unknown origin.

(22)The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given to the students who illegally manufacture, sell, transfer, conceal and take narcotic drugs and other psychotropic drugs.

(23) The system of registration and reporting should be implemented for the students who get married or be pregnant after marriage during the studying years in school. Students who get married or be pregnant after marriage during the studying years in school must timely report it to the department where the students study. The sanction of serious warning shall be given to the students who do not report and register. The sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be given if the bad consequences are caused.

(24)The sanctions higher recording a demerit shall be given to the students who violate the moral standards of being a citizen and codes of conduct for university students and engage in or participate in activities that damage the image of university students with causing serious consequences and bad effects.

Article 19 The following sanctions shall be given to the students who violate academic disciplines according to the seriousness of circumstances.

(1) The sanctions of recording a demerit, academic probation or expulsion from school shall be given if the students conduct any one of the following acts according to the seriousness of circumstances.

① Plagiarizing the research findings of others: taking the research findings of others as their own through various means: not indicating the use of research findings of others in published works.

② Signing names in the works which is not created by them; substituting the signatures or changing the order of signatures through improper means.

③ Reporting or providing false academic achievements; forging or altering expert comments, certificates or other materials that can prove the academic competence.

④ Falsifying or altering experiments results or statistics.

(2) The sanctions of warning, serious warning or recording a demerit shall be given to the students who conduct any one of the following acts according to the seriousness of circumstances.

① Intentionally exaggerating the scientific and technological content, economic values and social impacts of the research findings as to cause bad consequences.

② Using one academic work to publish several academic works with no substantial difference in the content in order to increase the number of individual academic achievement as to causing bad effects.

③ Other acts which are contrary to the well-recognized academic norms.

Article 20 The sanctions may be mitigated for students who violate the school disciplines but conduct any one of the following acts with slightest harmful consequences.

(1) Taking the initiative to admit mistakes, telling the truth, writing a self-criticism with profound understanding and repenting.

(2) It is confirmed that the offenders are coerced or tricked by others and the offenders can take the initiative to expose the disciplinary violation of others and have a good attitude of admitting mistakes.

(3) Rendering meritorious services.

(4) Other acts for mitigating the sanctions.

Article 21 The sanctions shall be aggravated for students who violate the school disciplines and conduct any one of the following acts.

(1) Refusing to admit mistakes and hand over self-criticism after violating disciplines or covering up the disciplinary violations of others.

(2) Withdrawing a confession or acting in collusion to make each other’s confessions tally in the investigation or retaliating against, threatening or intimidating the relevant working staff.

(3) Insulting or beating teaching and administrative staff

(4) The sanctions higher than academic probation shall be given to the students who have been given the sanctions higher than warning twice before according to the seriousness of circumstances. The higher level of sanction shall be given to students who have been given one sanction before.

(5)Students who have two or more disciplinary violations or violates more than two provisions of this ordinance shall be given the sanctions higher than the sanction which is more severe in the two sanctions.

(6) Calling together the persons outside the school to violate disciplines inside school.

(7) Violating disciplines in foreign activities.

(8) Being the organizers and leaders of disciplinary violation group

(9) Other activities for aggravating the sanctions

Article 22 The sanctions higher than warning shall be given to the students who have already been criticized more than two times through circulating a notice according to the seriousness of circumstances.

Article 23 The sanction of expulsion from school shall be given to the students who have already been given the sanctions higher than recording a demerit due to violation of disciplines during the period of academic probation.

Article 24The following punishments shall also be given to the students who are given the sanctions.

(1) The students involved shall be disqualified from applying for scholarship in the academic year when the sanctions are given.

(2) The students involved shall be disqualified from being recommended as advanced or excellent students in the academic year when the sanctions are given.

(3) Students who are in the academic probation period shall be disqualified from applying for scholarship and being recommended as advanced or excellent students.

(4) The scholarship enjoyed by the students who have been given the sanctions higher than academic probation shall be suspended since the day the sanctions are given.

(5) The students who have been given the sanctions higher than recording a demerit shall be disqualified from applying for the state student loan and deferment of paying the tuition fee and being conferred the degree.(The students who have been given the sanction of recording a demerit not because of cheating in the examination and have been sanctioned for more than one year with outstanding performance and conduct any one of the following activates can write the application report for degree The degree committee of university decides whether to confer the degree after the report is examined by the department where the students study )

①Winning the third prize award individually or second prize award collectively or above in the competitions officially organized by provincial or ministerial level unit or above.

②Making outstanding contributions in the spiritual civilization and social practice as well as other fields so as to being praised and commended by municipal units or being reported by the municipal party newspapers or journals.

③Winning the wards of school-level advanced individuals(including “triple A student model”, “triple A student” “outstanding student cadre”, “outstanding league member model”, “outstanding league member” or “outstanding league cadre”)

④ Winning the school-level second-class scholarship or above for outstanding students.

⑤ Passing the examination for recruiting graduate students.

Chapter IV Jurisdiction Procedures and Management of Giving Sanctions for Disciplinary Violations

Article 25 The jurisdiction and procedures for giving sanctions to students who violate disciplines:

(1) For the sanctions of warning and serious warning given to the students who violate disciplines, the department takes the responsibility to investigate disciplinary violations and the Department Affairs Committee discusses, makes decisions and gives the written notice for the sanctions. The record should be put on to Students Affairs Division.

(2) For the sanctions of recording a demerit and academic probation and expulsion from school, the department takes the responsibility to investigate disciplinary violations and Department Affairs Committee discusses and puts forwards preliminary sanctions. The preliminary sanctions will be sent to Students Affairs Division for examination and then reported to the relevant school leaders. After gaining the approval of relevant school leaders, the school gives the written notice for the sanctions. (giving the sanction of expulsion from school will be discussed and decided by the presidents’ meeting and the written form of sanction notice will be submitted to Educational Department of Hunan Province)

(3) When the relevant school sectors find the acts of disciplinary violation of students in their scope of administration and management, they should conduct timely investigation and make clear the situation. When necessary, the relevant school sectors can require the security department to investigate. For the disciplinary violations which have already investigated thoroughly and made clear, the relevant materials should be sent to Students Affairs Division who makes the decision according to the relevant regulations.

(4) For those disciplinary violations with complicated nature and serious consequences or those disciplinary violations that violate the state laws and regulations, the security department shall take the responsibility to investigate. When the investigation is over and clear, the security department should send relevant materials to the department where the students involved study (when necessary, the security department may put forward its opinions on sanctions). Then the department makes the decision according to the relevant regulations.

(5) For the disciplinary violations with clear facts, the department shall make decisions on sanctions or put forward treatment opinions and deliver the materials to higher unit within two weeks after receiving the materials or the notice. If the department fails to make decisions on sanctions or deliver the materials, the Students Affairs Division can supervise and deal with the situation and circulate a notice of criticism to the department involved.

If the department handles the students’ violation of disciplines with improper measurements or does not handle the violation in line with relevant regulations, the Students Affairs Division should require the department to reexamine and discuss the violation or directly handle the violation. At the same time, Students Affairs Division should circulate a notice of criticism to the department involved.

(6) When the disciplinary violation involves students from different departments, the departments should consult with one another and handle the situation according to the Ordinance. If the consultation is futile, the departments can report to the Students Affairs Division and invite it to organize coordination and handle the situation.

(7) Under special circumstance, the Students Affairs Division has the right to directly give treatment to the students who violate disciplines.

(8) The period of academic probation is usually one year. The sanction of academic probation can be lifted on time for students who make progresses in the period of probation. The sanction of academic probation can be lifted ahead of time for students who render meritorious services or make significant progresses (The time period for academic probation should not be less than six months). The time period for academic probation could be prolonged for students who do not behave well during the period of academic probation (The time period for accumulative academic probation should not be more than two years). The sanction of expulsion from school should be given to the students who violate disciplines again during the period of academic probation.

The students should submit the written application for lifting the academic probation to the class council and the class adviser for them to write their comments. The department should write the report for lifting the academic probation which will be examined by the Students Affairs Division and approved by the relevant school leaders.

The sanction of recording a demerit instead of academic probation should be given to the senior students who should have been given the sanction of academic probation due to the reasons except cheating in examinations. When such students graduate, they will be given the certificate of Completion of Schooling. Such students can apply for the reissued diploma after one year of graduation by the records of thoughts, work and daily performance given by the working unit or community of the students.

It is not allowed to suspend from school in principle for students who are in the period of probation. If the students need to suspend from school in probation due to special circumstances, the time period of academic probation will be extended accordingly.

The students who are given the sanction of expulsion from school must in principle go through the leaving-school procedures within ten days after the issuance of sanction documents. If the students fail to do so in the required time, the school shall handle the situation according to the relevant regulations and the students must hold all the responsibilities arising therefrom.

Article 26 After the decision of giving sanctions was made, the sanction decisions should be issued and delivered to the students by the department where the students study. The department fills inthe Sanction Decisions for CSUST Students’ Disciplinary Violations (document) Delivery Formwhich must be signed by the students themselves or their agent. If the students refuse to sign, the working staff of the department in charge of delivery (two) shall record their refusal. The following two methods of delivery could be adopted ifthe Sanction Decisions for CSUST Students’ Disciplinary Violations (document) Delivery Formcould not be delivered to the students to sign. The first method is to deliver by post.The Sanction Decisions for CSUST Students’ Disciplinary Violations (document) Delivery Formcould be sent by post with certificate of delivery attached to it. If the receiving date on the certificate of delivery is not in accordance with the date on the return receipt of the registered mail or the certificate of delivery is not sent back, the date on the return receipt of the registered mail should be regarded as the delivery date. The second method is to deliver by announcement. The department or school could post or publish the announcement on the bulletin board (or school’s website, newspaper). The time period for announcement is one month andThe Sanction Decisions for CSUST Students’ Disciplinary Violations (document) Delivery Formshall be regarded as successful delivery when the one month of announcement is over. The sanction decisions are equally effective without the signature of the students.

Article 27 The sanctions higher than recording a demerit and the decision to lift the sanction of academic probation shall be recorded in the students’ file. For the students who are given the sanctions higher than serious warning, the students’ department shall deliver the decision of giving sanctions to the parents of the students.

Article 28 The sanctions shall be timely published in the scope of school, department or class according to the circumstances. The Students Affairs Division decides whether or not to publish the sanctions if they involve individual privacy or state secrets etc.

Article 29 The decisions of giving sanctions to students who violate the disciplines must be made with proper procedure, clear facts, sufficient evidence, accurate judgment about the nature of the violation, appropriate treatment and complete materials (including the circumstantial evidence, confession of the students, treatment comments, filling outThe Reporting form ofSanction Decisions for CSUST Students’ Disciplinary Violations)

Article 30 Before the decision of sanctions are made, the statements and explanation of the students or their agency must be listened to.

Article 31 The security department has the reconsideration right for the materials concerning the violation of laws and regulations. The academic affairs department has the reconsideration right for the materials concerning the violations of teaching and learning (including the status of being a student).

Article 32 The students who violate disciplines outside school for teaching practice, inspection, social practice, testing and training and other social activities shall be given sanctions according to this ordinance.

Article 33The corresponding sanctions shall be given for other acts of disciplinary violation not listed in this ordinance according to the relevant articles of this ordinance.

Article 34 For students who are given the sanction of expulsion from school, the school will issue the certificate for studying in CSUST. The files and residence card of the students will be returned to the domicile place.

Chapter V Appeal of Students

Article 35 The Appeal Committee set up by CSUST receives the appeals of students who have been given the sanctions for disciplinary violations. The Appeal Committee is made up of school leaders , leaders of functioning departments,representatives of teachers and representatives of students.

Article 36 If the students have objection to the sanctions given by the school, an appeal of written form can be made to the Appeal Committee within five working days from the date of receiving the sanction decision.

Article 37 Upon the appeal, the Appeal Committee shall review the appeal, make careful investigation and make a review conclusion and inform the students within fifteen working days from the date of receiving the appeal. If the original sanctions have to be altered, the Appeal Committee shall submit the original sanction decision to where the sanctions are given for re-examine the reconsideration.

Article 38 If the students have objection to the review conclusion, an appeal in written form can be made to the Educational Department of Hunan Province within fifteen working days from the date of receiving the review conclusion.

Article 39 If the students do not make an appeal within five working days from the date of receiving the sanction decision or school’s delivery of the sanction decision, the Appeal Committee will not accept the appeal made after the required time.

Article 40 During the students’ appeal, the implementation of sanction decision will not be suspended.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 41 In expressions likes “higher or lower than the level” in this ordinance, this level is also included.

Article 42 This ordinance is applied to all the full-time undergraduates and graduate students of CUST.

Article 43 This ordinance is interpreted and amended by the Students Affairs Division.

Article 44 This ordinance shall go into effect as of September 1, 2009. Perviousregulationsif not in conformity with this one will be regarded ineffective


上一条:博大app游戏平台学生违纪处理条例 下一条:高等学校接受外国留学生管理规定

